Be frrr!
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In the “Be Frr” campaign, we decided against classic communication. We opted for an energetic online video blending the world of advertising with entertainment and we used channels which resonate with young people.
How do you present an energy drink without making it seem like yet another version of a classic soda? How to you use this opportunity to also reinvent the brand and increase its recognizability among young people?
We decided to create something that would resonate with young people. Our content does not pretend to speak their language – it simply does, mainly through the channels they find relevant. It is a challenge to be natural and authentic in every situation. The circumstances often require us to be flexible and to adapt to expectations, and so sometimes we pretend to be someone we are not, which drains our energy. The new Frugo Energy campaign encourages people to stop pretending, to recover their energy and start living life on their own terms. The main message is “Be Frr!”, i.e. “free”, “fresh”, “freaky” and “always for real”, whatever the circumstances.
We were in charge of the strategy, creative idea and script. Papaya Films was responsible for the execution and production.

The campaign succeeded in accomplishing our goals of increasing sales and boosting brand recognition. It also clearly conveyed the message that Frugo Energy is an energy drink.
Side effects 🙂
The video was very well received by the target audience, and Internet users left many comments, repeatedly asking for an extended version of Jacuś’s song, created especially for this campaign. They were so insistent that an extended version was actually produced (including a new music video, which also contained product placement).